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 *                                 lang_kb.php
 *                            -------------------
 *   begin                : Sunday, Mar 31, 2003
 *   copyright            : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
 *   email                : support@phpbb.com
 *   $Id: lang_kb.php,v 1.8 2004/05/30 20:50:10 jonohlsson Exp $

 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.
$lang['KB_title'] = 'Knowledge Base';
$lang['Article'] = 'Article';
$lang['Category'] = 'Category';
$lang['Article_description'] = 'Description';
$lang['Article_type'] = 'Type';
$lang['Article_keywords'] = 'Keywords';
$lang['Articles'] = 'Articles';
$lang['Add_article'] = 'Add Article';
$lang['Click_cat_to_add'] = 'Click on Category to add Article';
$lang['KB_Home'] = 'KB Home';
$lang['No_articles'] = 'No Articles';
$lang['Article_title'] = 'Article Name';
$lang['Article_text'] = 'Article text';
$lang['Add_article'] = 'Submit Article';
$lang['Read_article'] = 'Reading Article';
$lang['Article_not_exsist'] = 'Article doesn\'t exsist';
$lang['Category_not_exsist'] = 'Category doesn\'t exsist';

$lang['Edit'] = 'Edit';

$lang['Article_submitted_Approve'] = 'Article Submitted Successfully.<br />An Administrator will review your article and decide whether to let user\'s view it or not.';
$lang['Article_submitted'] = 'Article Submitted Successfully.';
$lang['Click_return_kb'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the ' . $lang['KB_title'];

$lang['Article_Edited_Approve'] = 'Article Edited Successfully.<br />It need to be approved again before user\'s can view it.';
$lang['Article_Edited'] = 'Article Edited Successfully.';
$lang['Edit_article'] = 'Edit Article';

$lang['KB_title'] = 'Knowledge Base';
$lang['KB_art_description'] = 'Here you can approve articles so users can view them or you can delete articles.';
$lang['Art_man'] = 'Article Manager';
$lang['Cat_man'] = 'Category Manager';
$lang['KB_cat_description'] = 'Here you can add, edit, or delete categories in the Knowledge Base';
$lang['Art_action'] = 'Action';

$lang['Art_edit'] = 'Edited Articles';
$lang['Art_not_approved'] = 'Not Approved';
$lang['Art_approved'] = 'Approved';
$lang['Approve'] = 'Approve';
$lang['Un_approve'] = 'Un-Approve';
$lang['Article_approved'] = 'Article is now Approved.';
$lang['Article_unapproved'] = 'Article is now Not Approved.';

$lang['Delete'] = 'Delete';
$lang['Confirm_art_delete'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this article?';
$lang['Confirm_art_delete_yes'] = '%sYes, I want to delete this article%s'; 
$lang['Confirm_art_delete_no'] = '%sNo, I don\'t want to delete this article%s';
$lang['Article_deleted'] = 'Article Deleted Successfully.';

$lang['Click_return_article_manager'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Article Manager';

//cat manager
$lang['Create_cat'] = 'Create New Category:';
$lang['Create'] = 'Create';
$lang['Cat_settings'] = 'Category Settings';
$lang['Create_description'] = 'Here you can change the name of the category and add a description to the new category.';
$lang['Cat_created'] = 'Category Created Successfully.';
$lang['Click_return_cat_manager'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the ' . $lang['Cat_man'];
$lang['Edit_description'] = 'Here you can edit the settings of your category';
$lang['Edit_cat'] = 'Edit Category';
$lang['Cat_edited'] = 'Category Edited Successfully.';
$lang['Parent'] = 'Parent';

$lang['Cat_delete_title'] = 'Delete Category';
$lang['Cat_delete_desc'] = 'Here you can delete a category and move all of the articles in it to a new category';
$lang['Cat_deleted'] = 'Category Deleted Successfully.';
$lang['Delete_all_articles'] = 'Delete Articles';

$lang['KB_config'] = 'KB Configuration';
$lang['Art_types'] = 'Article Types';
$lang['KB_config_title'] = 'Knowledge Base Configuration';
$lang['KB_config_explain'] = 'Change the configuration of your Knowledge Base';
$lang['New_title'] = 'Allow New Articles';
$lang['New_explain'] = 'Let users post new articles on in your Knowledge Base';
$lang['Edit_name'] = 'Allow Editing';
$lang['Edit_explain'] = 'Allow users to edit their articles after posting them';
$lang['Notify_name'] = 'Notify me by';
$lang['Notify_explain'] = 'Choose which way to receive notices that new articles have been posted';
$lang['PM'] = 'PM';
$lang['Click_return_kb_config'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to Knowledge Base Configuration';
$lang['Admin_id_name'] = 'Admin ID';
$lang['Admin_id_explain'] = 'This is the user id number that PM notifications will be sent to.';
$lang['Approve_new_name'] = 'Approve new Articles';
$lang['Approve_new_explain'] = 'Change whether <b />new</b /> articles need to be approved or not';
$lang['Approve_edit_name'] = 'Approve Edited Articles';
$lang['Approve_edit_explain'] = 'Change whether <b />edited</b /> articles need to be approved or not';
$lang['Allow_anon_name'] = 'Allow anonymous posting of Articles'; 
$lang['Allow_anon_explain'] = 'Change whether <b />new</b /> articles can be submitted anonymously'; 
$lang['Del_topic'] = 'Delete Topic';
$lang['Del_topic_explain'] = 'When you delete an article, do you want its comments topic to be deleted also?';
$lang['Allow_comments'] = 'Allow comments';
$lang['Allow_comments_explain'] = 'Allow users to add comments to your articles';
$lang['Forum_id'] = 'Forum ID';
$lang['Forum_id_explain'] = 'This is the forum that the article\'s comments will be kept';

$lang['Allow_rating'] = 'Allow ratings';
$lang['Allow_rating_explain'] = 'Allow users to add ratings to your articles';

$lang['Allow_anonymos_rating'] = 'Allow anonymos ratings';
$lang['Allow_anonymos_rating_explain'] = 'If ratings is activated, allow anonymos users to add ratings to your articles';

$lang['KB_config_updated'] = 'Knowledge Base Configuration Updated Successfully.';

$lang['New_article'] = 'New Article in your Knowledge Base!';
$lang['Email_body'] = 'An article has been submitted to your Knowledge Base.<br />\nRead the article and then approve or delete the article.<br />\nArticle is included below:<br />\n'; 

//Added by Haplo
$lang['Comments_show'] = 'Display article comments.';
$lang['Comments_show_explain'] = '- also displays comments in the article page';
$lang['Comments_show_title'] = 'User comments';

$lang['Mod_group'] = 'KB Moderator Group';
$lang['Mod_group_explain'] = '- with KB Admin permissions!';

$lang['Bump_post'] = 'Bumping article post'; 
$lang['Bump_post_explain'] = 'When editing an article, a reply is posted in the article topic notifying of the updated article.'; 

$lang['Stats_list'] = 'Show KB Stats'; 
$lang['Stats_list_explain'] = 'Show KB stats in the header.'; 

$lang['Header_banner'] = 'Show Top Logo'; 
$lang['Header_banner_explain'] = 'Show KB logo in the header.'; 

$lang['Comment_info'] = 'Comments settings'; 
$lang['Rating_info'] = 'Ratings settings'; 

$lang['Types_man'] = 'Types Manager';
$lang['KB_types_description'] = 'Here you can add delete and edit the different article types';
$lang['Create_type'] = 'Create new Article Type:';
$lang['Type_created'] = 'Article Type Created Successfully.';
$lang['Click_return_type_manager'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Types Manager';

$lang['Edit_type'] = 'Edit Type';
$lang['Edit_type_description'] = 'Here you can edit the name of the type';
$lang['Type_edited'] = 'Article Type Edited Successfully.';

$lang['Type_delete_title'] = 'Delete Article Type';
$lang['Type_delete_desc'] = 'Here you can change what the article type is of the articles that have the type you are deleting.';
$lang['Change_type'] = 'Change article\'s type to';
$lang['Change_and_Delete'] = 'Change and Delete';
$lang['Type_deleted'] = 'Article Type Deleted Successfully.';

$lang['Pre_text_name'] = 'Article Submission Instructions';
$lang['Pre_text_header'] = 'Article Submission Instructions Header';
$lang['Pre_text_body'] = 'Article Submission Instructions Body';
$lang['Pre_text_explain'] = 'This is text instructions displayed to users at the top of the submission forum.';
$lang['Show'] = 'Show';
$lang['Hide'] = 'Hide';
$lang['Empty_category'] ='You must choose a category';
$lang['Empty_type']='You must choose a type';
$lang['Empty_article_name'] = 'You must fill out the article name';
$lang['Empty_article_desc'] = 'You must fill out the article description';

$lang['Read_full_article'] = '>>Read Full Article';
$lang['Comments'] = 'Viewer Comments';

$lang['No_add'] = 'You can\'t add a new article';
$lang['No_edit'] = 'You can\'t edit this article!';
$lang['Post_comments'] = 'Post your comments';

$lang['Category_sub'] = 'Sub-Categories';
$lang['Quick_stats'] = 'Quick Stats';

// added

$lang['Edited_Article_info'] = 'Article updated...';
$lang['No_Articles'] = 'This category is empty!';
$lang['Not_authorized'] = 'You are not authorized to do this...';
$lang['TOC'] = 'Contents';

// Rate
$lang['Votes_label'] = 'Rating ';
$lang['Votes'] = 'vote(s)';
$lang['Rate'] = 'Rate Article';
$lang['ADD_RATING'] = '[Rate Article]';
$lang['Rerror'] = 'Sorry, you have already rated this article.';
$lang['Rateinfo'] = 'You are about to rate the article <i>{filename}</i>.<br />Please select a rating. 1 is the worst, 10 is the best.';
$lang['Rconf'] = 'You have given <i>{filename}</i> a rating of {rate}.<br />This makes the files new rating {newrating}/10.';
$lang['R1'] = '1';
$lang['R2'] = '2';
$lang['R3'] = '3';
$lang['R4'] = '4';
$lang['R5'] = '5';
$lang['R6'] = '6';
$lang['R7'] = '7';
$lang['R8'] = '8';
$lang['R9'] = '9';
$lang['R10'] = '10';
$lang['Click_return_rate'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to article';

// Print version
$lang['Print_version'] = '[Printable version]';

// Stats
$lang['Top_toprated'] = 'Toprated Articles';
$lang['Top_most_popular'] = 'Most Popular';
$lang['Top_latest'] = 'Latest Articles';

// Votes check
$lang['Votes_check_ip'] = 'Validate ratings - ip'; 
$lang['Votes_check_ip_explain'] = 'Only one vote per IP-adress is permitted.'; 

$lang['Votes_check_userid'] = 'Validate ratings - user'; 
$lang['Votes_check_userid_explain'] = 'Users may only vote once.'; 

$lang['Article_pag'] = 'Article pagination'; 
$lang['Article_pag_explain'] = 'The number of articles to show in a (stats) category before pagination.'; 

$lang['Comments_pag'] = 'Comments pagination'; 
$lang['Comments_pag_explain'] = 'The number of comments to show for the article before pagination.'; 

$lang['News_sort'] = 'Article sort method'; 
$lang['News_sort_explain'] = 'Define how articles are sorted within its category.'; 

$lang['News_sort_par'] = 'ASC or DESC sorting'; 
$lang['News_sort_par_explain'] = ''; 

// General strings from the news admin panel

$lang['News_settings'] = "KB Block Settings";
$lang['News_settings_short_explain'] = "Configure some options for the front-page news.";
$lang['News_settings_explain'] = "Here you can edit the configuration for the KB Block. This panel lets you extract what categories the block will display, thus you'll create subinstances of the module.";

// Update result messages

$lang['News_updated_return_settings'] = "KB block configuration updated successfully.<br /><br />Click %shere%s to return to main page."; // %s's for URI params - DO NOT REMOVE
$lang['News_update_error'] = "Couldn't update KB block configuration.<br /><br />This mod is designed for MySQL so please contact the author if you have troubles. If you can offer a translation of the SQL into other database formats, please send them to:<br />";

// kb
$lang['Cat_all'] = "All";

proyectos/forov2/lang_kb_php.1151341509.txt.gz · Última modificación: 2006/08/27 04:46 (editor externo)
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