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 *                            lang_main_link.php
 *                            -------------------
 *  MOD add-on page. Contains GPL code copyright of phpBB group.
 *  Author: OOHOO < webdev@phpbb-tw.net >
 *  Author: Stefan2k1 and ddonker from www.portedmods.com
 *  Demo: http://phpbb-tw.net/
 *  Version: 1.0.X - 2002/03/22 - for phpBB RC serial, and was named Related_Links_MOD
 *  Version: 1.1.0 - 2002/04/25 - Re-packed for phpBB 2.0.0, and renamed to Links_MOD
 *  Version: 1.1.5 - 2003/06/11 - Enhanced and Re-packed for phpBB 2.0.4
 *  Version: 1.2.2 - 2004/05/10 - Enhanced by CRLin

 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.

/// Links_MOD 
$lang['Site_links'] = "Links";
$lang['Link_lock_submit_site'] = 'Submit site was locked';
$lang['Link_title'] = "Site Name";
$lang['Link_desc'] = "Site Description";
$lang['Link_url'] = "Site URL";
$lang['Link_logo_src'] = "Site Logo (88x31 pixels, size no more than 10K), or leave blank:";
$lang['Link_logo_src1'] = "Site Logo (88x31 pixels, size no more than 10K):";
$lang['Links_Preview'] = "Preview Logo";
$lang['Link_category'] = "Site Category";
$lang['link_hits'] = "Hits";
$lang['link_submiter'] = "Submited by";
$lang['Link_us'] = "Link to ";
$lang['Link_us_explain'] = "Please feel free to link to <b>%s</b>. Use the following HTML:";
$lang['Link_us_syntax'] = '<a href="%s" target="_blank"><img src="%s" width="%d" height="%d" border="0" alt="%s" /></a>';
$lang['Link_register'] = "Submit your site";
$lang['Link_register_guest_rule'] = "Log in registered user, you can submit site.";
$lang['Link_register_rule'] = "Please fill in the form below, and your site will be put into our database after validation.";
$lang['Link_pm_notify_subject'] = "Link added";
$lang['Link_pm_notify_message'] = "\n Link %s added,\n please go to Links Management and validate it.";
$lang['Link_update_success'] = "Your information was submitted";
$lang['Link_update_fail'] = "Sorry!! You information was unable to submit, please go back and try again";
$lang['Link_incomplete'] = "Sorry!! You did not complete the form, please go back and try again";
$lang['Link_intval_warning'] = "Sorry!! You can't submit several sites in a minute, please try again later";
$lang['Click_return_links'] = "Click %sHere%s to return to Links Index";;
$lang['Please_enter_your'] = "Please enter your ";
$lang['No_Logo_img'] = "<font color=blue>&#8226;</font>"; // You can edit color
$lang['No_Display_Links_Logo'] = "<font color=brown>&#8226;</font>"; // Don't display Links logo
$lang['Links_home'] = "Links Home";
$lang['Search_site'] = "Search Site";
$lang['Search_site_title'] = "Search Site Name/Description:";
$lang['Descend_by_hits'] = "Descend By Hits";
$lang['Descend_by_joindate'] = "Descend By Date";
proyectos/forov2/lang_main_link_php.1151340504.txt.gz · Última modificación: 2006/07/06 08:27 (editor externo)
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