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 *                            lang_news.php [English]
 *                              -------------------
 *     begin                : Thr Mar 20 2003

 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.

// The format of this file is ---> $lang['message'] = 'text';

// This is optional, if you would like a _SHORT_ message output
// along with our copyright message indicating you are the translator
// please add it here.
// $lang['TRANSLATION'] = '';

// Main Stuff.
$lang['Regular_Post'] = 'Regular Post (Not displayed as news)';
$lang['Current_Selection'] = 'Current Selection';
$lang['Select_News_Category'] = 'Select news category';
$lang['News'] = 'News';
$lang['View_Comments'] = 'View Comments';
$lang['Read_More'] = 'Read More';
$lang['News_Categories'] = 'News Categories';

// Admin Stuff
// News Config
$lang['Add_news_categories'] = 'Add News Categories';
$lang['News_Configuration'] = 'News Configuration';
$lang['News_Add_Description'] = 'From this control panel you can add new news categories';
$lang['Icon'] = 'News Icon';
$lang['Add_new_category'] = 'Add new news category';

$lang['Click_return_newsadmin'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to News Administration';
$lang['Category_Deleted'] = 'News category succesfully deleted';
$lang['Category_Updated'] = 'News category succesfully updated';
$lang['Category_Added'] = 'News category succesfully added';

$lang['News_Editing_Utility'] = 'News Category Editing';
$lang['News_Config'] = 'News Category Configuration';
$lang['News_Explain'] = 'From this page you can add, remove and edit the news categories.';

$lang['Enable_News'] = 'Enable news posting';
$lang['News_Path'] = 'News icons path';
$lang['News_Path_Explain'] = 'Path under your phpBB root dir, e.g. images/news';

$lang['News_explain'] = 'From this page you can configure the Slashdot News Mod by CMX.';
$lang['News_settings'] = 'News Settings';

$lang['News_trim'] = 'News Trim Length';
$lang['News_trim_explain'] = 'Sets the max length for news posts before they are trimmed. (0 = no trim).';

$lang['News_topic_trim'] = 'News Trim Topic Length';
$lang['News_topic_trim_explain'] = 'Sets the max length for news topics before they are trimmed. (0 = no trim).';

$lang['News_item_num'] = 'Number of Items To Display';
$lang['News_item_num_explain'] = 'The defualt number of news posts displayed in news_viewnews.php.';

$lang['RSS_Configuration'] = 'RSS News Feed Configuration';
$lang['Enable_RSS'] = 'Enable RSS Sydication';
$lang['Enable_RSS_explain'] = 'RSS Sydications allows other websites to access your news and display it on their sites';

$lang['Feed_Description'] = 'Feed Description';
$lang['Feed_Description_Explain'] = 'Phrase or sentence describing the feed.';

$lang['Feed_Language'] = 'Feed Language';
$lang['Feed_Language_Explain'] = 'The language the channel is written in. You may use values defined by the W3C.';

$lang['Feed_TTL'] = 'Feed TTL (Time To Live)';
$lang['Feed_TTL_Explain'] = 'TTL is the number of minutes that indicates how long a channel can be cached before refreshing from the source.';

$lang['Feed_Category'] = 'Feed Category';

$lang['Feed_Image'] = 'Feed Image';
$lang['Feed_Image_Explain'] = 'An image to be associated with your news feed. (Can only be a small button size image)';

$lang['Feed_Image_Desc'] = 'Feed Image Description';

// New
$lang['Articles'] = 'Articles';
$lang['Archives'] = 'Archives';
$lang['Categories'] = 'Categories';

$lang['News_base_url'] = 'News Mod Base URL';
$lang['News_base_url_explain'] = 'The location of your news index file.<br /> i.e. http://mydomain.com/, you news index file is located here.';
$lang['Show_RSS_abstract'] = 'Show Abstracts in RSS Feeds.';

$lang['News_index_file'] = 'News Mod Index File';
$lang['News_index_file_explain'] = 'The name of the news index file. i.e. news_index.php.';
// That's all, Folks!
// -------------------------------------------------

proyectos/forov2/lang_news_php.1151340591.txt.gz · Última modificación: 2006/08/03 03:27 (editor externo)
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